30 Maggio 2024


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81 visualizzazioni
3 min

I’ve been on mater­ni­ty lea­ve for 9 years, the last three of which I have spent as a mother of three chil­dren. My dai­ly rou­ti­ne seems end­less and it absorbs me. I try to be a good wife to my husband and a good mother to my chil­dren. At lea­st, I attempt to con­form to the­se roles. I cook and stri­ve to keep the hou­se tidy, not to men­tion that I have buried myself on children’s psy­cho­lo­gy books to beco­me a so-cal­led pro­fes­sio­nal mum.

Some­ti­mes, I even feel like I’m suc­cee­ding, but most of the time, I feel over­whel­med by the dai­ly cho­res, and my efforts to beco­me a bet­ter ver­sion of myself seem futi­le. No mat­ter how hard I try, I can’t always rely on all the tips in the books to com­mu­ni­ca­te with my chil­dren , perhaps becau­se I am a human being and some situa­tions dif­fer from what the books sug­ge­st.

On all the social net­works, as well as in the media, I see beau­ti­ful mothers of many chil­dren. They dan­ce or go to the gym, hand­le the con­flic­ts with chil­dren  per­fec­tly, go on roman­tic din­ners with their husbands, and seem to do it all! Why does it seem like I’m una­ble to do any­thing!?! Will I ever be able to reach this gol­den stan­dard? Is it actual­ly neces­sa­ry? How rea­li­stic is this ima­ge and who deci­ded that it should be like this? Perhaps some peo­ple ful­ly dedi­ca­te them­sel­ves to mothe­rhood and find hap­pi­ness in it. Apart from spen­ding time with my belo­ved chil­dren, I have other inte­rests that fasci­na­te me and I want to dedi­ca­te time to them, too. But eve­ry time I do, the­re is always someone’s judg­men­tal look or even a word about the mess in my hou­se. And I feel asha­med again, thin­king that I’m set­ting my prio­ri­ties incor­rec­tly. No, I should not get rid of this ima­ge of the  “per­fect mother”! I have three chil­dren, and it seems like I no lon­ger belong to myself. I just need to try a lit­tle har­der!

The truth is that I am so exhau­sted that I have no desi­re to fit into this deman­ding ste­reo­ty­pe. I don’t want to be per­fect. I want to live a life whe­re my fee­lings, inte­rests, and goals mat­ter.

And once I have had a dream…

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