1 Febbraio 2024


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81 visualizzazioni
58 sec

Asymp­to­te uses archi­tec­tu­ral sites that are authen­tic to the era of socia­li­sm. Pla­ces, for­mer sym­bols of power and great­ness, ele­va­ted in order to make the per­son feel small. Today they stand still, strip­ped of essen­tial pur­po­se, aban­do­ned or for­got­ten like gra­ve­sto­nes of their for­mer glo­ry. Asymp­to­te mer­ges past and pre­sent, by reflec­ting on one at the time of the other.

At the basis of the pro­ject lies a histo­ri­cal foun­da­tion that col­la­bo­ra­tes with a fic­tio­nal sce­na­rio to blur the lines bet­ween rea­li­ty and memo­ry. Authen­tic testi­mo­nies and archi­ve mate­rials are rein­ter­pre­ted by con­tem­po­ra­ry digi­tal lan­gua­ge of a fic­tion based on truth. The goal is not only to reflect on the past, but most impor­tan­tly to address the cur­rent sta­te of (post-soviet satel­li­te) socie­ty and its values. Pro­ject deals with seve­ral topics such as para­no­ia, sur­veil­lan­ce, uni­for­mi­ty, nor­ma­li­sa­tion or cen­sor­ship, all being part of this cul­tu­ral lega­cy and having lasting effect on actual situa­tions, thin­king and beha­viour.

All body form in the pro­ject is fol­ded within the spa­ce to sha­pe a cohe­rent geo­me­tri­cal com­po­si­tion, a sym­bol of the regi­me itself. Peo­ple crea­te a pat­tern. Each one is strip­ped of their own indi­vi­dua­li­ty to beco­me a uni­fied form, crea­ting a socie­ty whe­re eve­ry dif­fe­ren­ce is an ano­ma­ly in the system.

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