9 Agosto 2024

Bodies and Souls, the English title of this pro­ject, is a result of a two-year immer­sion in a hou­se in Lapa, a nei­gh­bo­rhood in Rio de Janei­ro reno­w­ned for its nightli­fe, whe­re tran­sve­sti­tes live and work. The Por­tu­gue­se title, Mem de Sa, 100, refers instead to the hou­se address. The time spent living toge­ther crea­ted […]

5 Agosto 2024

Chil­luns’ Croon inve­sti­ga­tes the­mes such as absen­ce, remem­bran­ce, spi­ri­tua­li­ty, and mor­ta­li­ty among for­mer­ly ensla­ved peo­ple in Wil­son Coun­ty, North Caro­li­na. This work pro­vi­des an inti­ma­te por­trait of an Afri­can Ame­ri­can com­mu­ni­ty and expres­ses songs of hope, equa­li­ty, and chan­ge for new gene­ra­tions. I con­duc­ted exten­si­ve research on the Wil­son Coun­ty area and esta­bli­shed a rela­tion­ship […]