7 Marzo 2024


As far back as in the 1930s, during the times of the Great Depres­sion in the Uni­ted Sta­tes, a group of pho­to­gra­phers such as Wal­ker Evans, Doro­thea Lan­ge, and Jack Dela­no, led by Roy Stry­ker, Head of the Farm Secu­ri­ty Admi­ni­stra­tion (FSA), kept restles­sly recor­ding views which were soon desti­ned to fade into obscu­ri­ty. The […]

19 Febbraio 2024


Nota: Que­sti scrit­ti sono sta­ti rea­liz­za­ti nel pie­no del­la pro­du­zio­ne del lavo­ro, tra il 2015 ed il 2018. La serie qui pro­po­sta ripor­ta un rac­con­to cora­le da un qua­r­­tie­­re-ghe­t­­to del cen­tro sto­ri­co di Cata­nia. Qui è in atto una rivo­lu­zio­ne demo­gra­fi­ca e cul­tu­ra­le che rispec­chia gran­di dibat­ti­ti poli­ti­ci e cul­tu­ra­li con­tem­po­ra­nei. Nel quar­tie­re San Beril­lo […]

1 Febbraio 2024


Asymp­to­te uses archi­tec­tu­ral sites that are authen­tic to the era of socia­li­sm. Pla­ces, for­mer sym­bols of power and great­ness, ele­va­ted in order to make the per­son feel small. Today they stand still, strip­ped of essen­tial pur­po­se, aban­do­ned or for­got­ten like gra­ve­sto­nes of their for­mer glo­ry. Asymp­to­te mer­ges past and pre­sent, by reflec­ting on one at […]

8 Gennaio 2024


La Ber­ge­rie de Fau­con is a spe­cial home whe­re young peo­ple are rein­te­gra­ted  throu­gh con­tact with ani­mals. I docu­ment this moment of rup­tu­re for  young peo­ple, who are in tran­si­tion bet­ween the worlds of chil­d­hood and  adul­thood.  Loca­ted in Rou­gon, in the heart of the Gor­ges du Ver­don  Regio­nal Park, the Ber­ge­rie de Fau­con was crea­ted […]

11 Novembre 2023


Bir­min­gham in Augu­st can feel like Octo­ber in my nati­ve Ita­ly. I was taking a stroll throu­gh the city cen­trein, but the rain and wind for­ced me to take shel­ter in the public libra­ry. As the how­ling wind rat­tled the win­do­ws, I wal­ked slo­w­ly throu­gh the hall­ways on the top floor fil­led with books and […]

11 Novembre 2023


In his series, Under a New Sun, José Castrel­lón looks inward at a chap­ter of his life that has sha­ped him, perhaps out­ward­ly too, in search of what lies ahead. Eve­ry moment and eve­ry deci­sion are a tur­ning point in what seems to be an eter­nal pro­cess of beco­ming, of living bet­ween a year­ning for […]

30 Ottobre 2023


Signal esplo­ra il con­cet­to di «pos­si­bi­li­tà», inte­so come “carat­te­ri­sti­ca di ciò che può esi­ste­re, rea­liz­zar­si, avve­ni­re”. L’obiettivo di que­sto pro­get­to foto­gra­fi­co è infat­ti rac­con­ta­re la sen­sa­zio­ne del­la ricer­ca con­ti­nua, ma non costan­te, di quei gio­va­ni adul­ti che ten­ta­no di tro­va­re un segnale.Ci tro­via­mo nel ven­tu­ne­si­mo seco­lo e vivia­mo in una socie­tà dove le auto­mo­bi­li sono […]

12 Ottobre 2023


Tran­shu­man­ce è una testi­mo­nian­za sul valo­re del­le tra­di­zio­ni nel nostro Pae­se.Un viag­gio qua­si pri­mor­dia­le, un sal­to indie­tro nel tem­po den­tro quel­la civil­tà agro­pa­sto­ra­le che tan­to ha signi­fi­ca­to e tan­to anco­ra signi­fi­ca in Ita­lia. Tra­di­zio­ni tra­man­da­te di padre in figlio, ritua­li e gesti che si ripe­to­no e si rin­no­va­no nel tem­po. La tran­su­man­za è un lega­me […]

23 Agosto 2023


UXO stands for “Unex­plo­ded Ord­nan­ce”. This pho­to­gra­phic work seeks to testi­fy to the dan­ger that per­sists after the Viet­nam War. I have fir­st tra­ve­led to Cam­bo­dia and disco­ve­red many mine­fields. After doing some research I rea­li­zed the­re are still many  land mines in the ground that inju­re and kill today, despi­te near­ly 50 years sin­ce […]

3 Luglio 2023


In 1857, Napo­leon pro­mul­ga­tes a law which obli­ges a mas­si­ve plan­ting of mari­ti­me pines in the “lan­des” of Gasco­ny. Alrea­dy exi­sting in the wild, the pines are sup­po­sed to “sani­ti­ze” this then mar­shy land. It is actual­ly a mat­ter of kee­ping up with the indu­strial revo­lu­tion. This deci­sion will mark the end of the tra­di­tio­nal […]