7 Marzo 2024


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3 min

As far back as in the 1930s, during the times of the Great Depres­sion in the Uni­ted Sta­tes, a group of pho­to­gra­phers such as Wal­ker Evans, Doro­thea Lan­ge, and Jack Dela­no, led by Roy Stry­ker, Head of the Farm Secu­ri­ty Admi­ni­stra­tion (FSA), kept restles­sly recor­ding views which were soon desti­ned to fade into obscu­ri­ty. The con­ti­nuous migra­tion of peo­ple moving around in search of easier con­di­tions of life was relen­tles­sly chan­ging the demo­gra­phi­cal map of the Sta­tes: home­steads, vil­la­ges, small towns were disap­pea­ring right befo­re the eyes. All this was pho­to­gra­phed and put into exten­si­ve archi­ves – the effort of tho­se pho­to­gra­phers pro­ved not to have been in vain.
A some­how dif­fe­rent pro­cess is ongoing in pre­sent-day Lithua­nia too. Nei­ther in the sco­pe nor the con­di­tions of life the­se situa­tions are com­pa­ra­ble, thou­gh some­thing still promp­ts us to look for simi­la­ri­ties.
Just within the last deca­des, con­ti­nuous migra­tion has cau­sed the popu­la­tion of Lithua­nia to shrink by almo­st one-sixth. Towns that have usur­ped the who­le eco­no­mics and are suc­king out young peo­ple to the cities as well as free migra­tion to the other EU coun­tries, all this is ine­xo­ra­bly chan­ging our coun­try­si­de. Just one que­stion ine­vi­ta­bly ari­ses: for how long will our forests and val­leys be ador­ned by views of home­steads and vil­la­ges – pla­ces whe­re a total­ly dif­fe­rent under­stan­ding of time and clo­se­ness still exists? For how long will the­re still be found pla­ces whe­re an unex­pec­ted visi­tor is met like a clo­se rela­ti­ve and eve­ry pas­ser-by is gree­ted with a heart­felt ‘hel­lo’?
Eve­ry time a thought like that cros­ses my mind, I, as a pho­to­gra­pher, am dri­ven by an instinct to hur­ry and turn tho­se sym­bols and pla­ces into some­thing more than just memo­ries in the sto­ries of futu­re grand­pa­ren­ts. Thou­gh a recor­ded ima­ge is inca­pa­ble of revi­ving what has been lost, it still lets us remem­ber some­thing that perhaps once, whi­le spee­ding by, momen­ta­ri­ly caught our eye at the road­si­de. May­be this monu­ment to the Lithua­nian coun­try­si­de will evo­ke some sen­ti­men­ta­li­ty from the viewer and touch tho­se dee­ply hid­den cor­ners in the memo­ry which we, see­min­gly inad­ver­ten­tly, have clo­sed up, being used to accept what can be gone very quic­kly.

Vaikai. Laumėnai, Ukmergės rajonas. 2016 Children. Laumėnai, Ukmergė district. 2016

Lietaus rezervuaras. Panevėžio rajonas. 2014 Rain reservoir. Panevėžys district. 2014

Lietaus rezervuaras. Panevėžio rajonas. 2014 Rain reservoir. Panevėžys district. 2014

Aldona ir Stasys. Vilijampolė, Kauno rajonas. 2015 Aldona and Stasys. Vilijampolė, Kaunas district. 2015 - Aš dar net gimęs nebuvau, kai mano tėvas pasistatydino šį namą, kad mus čia užaugintų. Dar būdamas visai mažytis žiūrėdavau į aplinkinius laukus iš mūsų mažytės terasos virš verandos. Pažiūrėk aplink dabar. Fabrikas vienoje pusėje, apleisti namo griuvėsiai – kitoje. - My father decided to build this house for the family. He wanted to raise his children here. I was not even born yet. My fondest memory as a kid was just watching these beautiful surroundings from out little terrace above the porch. Take a look now. Factory on one side, abandoned ghost house on the other.

Aldona ir Stasys. Vilijampolė, Kauno rajonas. 2015 Aldona and Stasys. Vilijampolė, Kaunas district. 2015 - Aš dar net gimęs nebuvau, kai mano tėvas pasistatydino šį namą, kad mus čia užaugintų. Dar būdamas visai mažytis žiūrėdavau į aplinkinius laukus iš mūsų mažytės terasos virš verandos. Pažiūrėk aplink dabar. Fabrikas vienoje pusėje, apleisti namo griuvėsiai – kitoje. - My father decided to build this house for the family. He wanted to raise his children here. I was not even born yet. My fondest memory as a kid was just watching these beautiful surroundings from out little terrace above the porch. Take a look now. Factory on one side, abandoned ghost house on the other.

Kapinės šalia bėgių. Kretinga, Klaipėdos rajonas. 2017 Graveyard next to the rails. Kretinga, Klaipėda district. 2017

Stasys, langas ir braškės. Pūčkoriai, Plungės rajonas. 2017 Stasys, window and strawberries. Pūčkoriai, Plungė district. 2017

Apleistas portetas su rožiniu. Piktupėnai, Pagėgių rajonas. 2017 Abandoned portrait with rosary. Piktupėnai, Pagėgiai district. 2017

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