9 Dicembre 2022


0 CommentI
76 visualizzazioni
13 sec

“A Mez­zo­gior­no is an Ita­lian expres­sion mea­ning both “at mid­day” and “in the South”.

This work is the result of my per­so­nal per­spec­ti­ve towards my own ori­gins, which I ine­vi­ta­bly keep que­stio­ning eve­ry time I tra­vel back to South of Ita­ly.

Tra­ve­ling the­re means ente­ring a dimen­sion in which time never seems to pass, in which life flo­ws mar­ked uni­que­ly by customs and tra­di­tions. Life beco­ming still life. It is a fami­liar, reas­su­ring, yet num­bing sta­te of mind that whi­le living abroad I learnt to inex­tri­ca­bly long for and reject. It is the indis­so­lu­ble mix­tu­re of sacred and secu­lar, tuff hou­ses ero­ded by wind and sea salt, pee­ling lime wall, rust, sun­burnt land.

Shot on 6x7 film medium.”

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