9 Agosto 2024


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130 visualizzazioni
2 min

Bodies and Souls, the English title of this pro­ject, is a result of a two-year immer­sion in a hou­se in Lapa, a nei­gh­bo­rhood in Rio de Janei­ro reno­w­ned for its nightli­fe, whe­re tran­sve­sti­tes live and work. The Por­tu­gue­se title, Mem de Sa, 100, refers instead to the hou­se address.

The time spent living toge­ther crea­ted a sen­se of fami­lia­ri­ty, com­pli­ci­ty, and tru­st that dilu­ted any kind of pre­judg­ment one could pos­si­bly have about this com­mu­ni­ty, which is inva­ria­bly stig­ma­ti­zed by socie­ty.

My project’s goal was not only to give voi­ce to a group of mar­gi­na­li­zed peo­ple but also to show, thanks to my pic­tu­res, the digni­ty, the beau­ty, and the sen­sua­li­ty of their bodies and souls, who are at the same time male and fema­le, during their dai­ly lives.

During the­se years mutual con­fi­den­ce, respect, and com­pli­ci­ty were the basis of my work.

I cho­se natu­ral light for my pho­to­gra­phs in order to tran­smit the natu­ral­ness and huma­ni­ty I wan­ted to show.

In this pho­to­gra­phic essay, life pul­ses in citrus colors and in the delu­sio­nal ima­gi­na­ry of the­se boys and women, who do not allow them­sel­ves to be ran­ked by inac­cu­ra­te demar­ca­tions.

The­se pho­to­gra­phs tell us about the per­ma­nent search for iden­ti­ty and hap­pi­ness, two poin­ts that con­nect us all, without any distinc­tion of gen­der or social class.

I wor­ked most of my life as a pho­to­jour­na­li­st hired by the most impor­tant new­spa­pers in Bra­zil. Sin­ce 2008, I’ve deci­ded to tell long-term autho­rial and docu­men­tal sto­ries with my pho­to­gra­phy; for exam­ple, I have been wor­king for seve­ral years docu­men­ting Bra­zi­lian subur­ban car­ni­val.

Ana Caro­li­na Fer­nan­des still col­la­bo­ra­tes with Reu­ters Agen­cy, The New York Times, and some Bra­zi­lian new­spa­pers and maga­zi­nes.

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