22 Maggio 2023


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2 min

(2020 – Ongoing)

“All things in life that once exi­sted tend to re-crea­te”.

Bor­der­land is the act of my Self, aimed at an attempt to claim back an expe­rien­ce that has con­struc­ted my iden­ti­ty sin­ce my ten­der years. This work is expres­sed in seve­ral con­cur­rent, con­se­quent, and hete­ro­ge­neous aspec­ts: it is a pla­ce, a tran­si­tion of age, a group of peo­ple, a way of living, a cri­ti­cal thin­king, a stream of memo­ries, a set of disap­poin­ted expec­ta­tions and poten­tial ideas. To me eve­ry­thing is bor­de­red in this small town on Tuscan-Emi­lian Apen­ni­nes and it is this dimen­sion of inde­fi­ni­te­ness that pushes me to a relen­tless pur­suit for the tra­ces of a time that I have not lived enou­gh or that I have lived too much.

My past blends with my pre­sent and sug­gests my futu­re steps (to me). I do not know whe­ther I should listen to it or let myself be car­ried away by the fresh wind – that same wind that in hot sum­mer nights accom­pa­nied me and my gran­d­fa­ther. We used to have con­ver­sa­tions about exi­sten­tia­li­sm whi­le mar­vel­ling at the beau­ty of the con­stel­la­tion, lying dow­n­hill on a wet mea­dow.

Eve­ry­thing that sur­rounds me wan­ts to get clo­se to me, rethin­king the lega­cy of a rela­tion­ship crea­ted in time: with this aim, begins a pro­cess of inter­pre­ting rea­li­ty without a cele­bra­to­ry, sym­bo­li­st nor docu­men­ta­ry intent. Rather, it turns out to be an evo­lu­tion aimed at a deep redemp­tion of my past and pre­sent being, pro­du­cing at the same time an emo­tio­nal ten­sion that, just as on an extre­mi­ty, hovers bet­ween joy and pain.

In such research, which aims to esta­blish a con­ti­nuous dia­lo­gue bet­ween memo­ry, rea­li­ty and dream, I try to retra­ce over time frag­men­ts of an exi­sten­ce inhe­rent to the con­cep­ts of fami­ly, gro­wth and belon­ging.

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