8 Gennaio 2024


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2 min

La Ber­ge­rie de Fau­con is a spe­cial home whe­re young peo­ple are rein­te­gra­ted  throu­gh con­tact with ani­mals. I docu­ment this moment of rup­tu­re for  young peo­ple, who are in tran­si­tion bet­ween the worlds of chil­d­hood and  adul­thood. 

Loca­ted in Rou­gon, in the heart of the Gor­ges du Ver­don  Regio­nal Park, the Ber­ge­rie de Fau­con was crea­ted in 1974 by Father Guy Gil­bert. Today, it is a home for 7 tee­na­gers pla­ced in care by the Aide Socia­le à l’En­fan­ce. Its voca­tion is to hou­se, moni­tor and rein­te­gra­te the­se young peo­ple, who have found them­sel­ves in dan­ger, out of school or invol­ved in delin­quen­cy. Fau­con, unli­ke a hostel, is a pla­ce to live, and can the­re­fo­re accom­mo­da­te no more than 7 young peo­ple at any one time. In this sen­se, it’s a pri­vi­le­ged pla­ce for tho­se who have often been shuf­fled from foster home to foster home without ever real­ly being able to find the neces­sa­ry atten­tion and con­si­sten­cy that comes with a sta­ble pla­ce to live. Rea­li­zing that young peo­ple are par­ti­cu­lar­ly sen­si­ti­ve to ani­mals, Father Guy Gil­bert had the idea of inte­gra­ting them into Fau­con from the outset. All the life revol­ves around that. Eve­ry day of the year, wha­te­ver the wea­ther, the fir­st and last acti­vi­ties of the day invol­ve caring for the ani­mals. The young peo­ple, who are all aged bet­ween 12 and 18, are at that pivo­tal moment in life when the need to build and defi­ne a cer­tain iden­ti­ty beco­mes stron­ger and more asser­ti­ve than during chil­d­hood. Eve­ry day, they search for and que­stion rules and limi­ts, some­ti­mes chal­len­ging the autho­ri­ty of their edu­ca­tors, but they also know how to listen and be sen­si­ti­ve. I docu­ment this moment of rup­tu­re for young peo­ple, who, mar­ked by their past and their pla­ce­ment in a home, are in tran­si­tion to adul­thood. 

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