16 Settembre 2024


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135 visualizzazioni
36 sec

“The Ravi­ne, the Vir­gin & the Spring” is the new pro­ject I’ve been wor­king on for the past year. Shot in its enti­re­ty in Gua­te­ma­la City, it is a new way for me to inte­ract with this ter­ri­to­ry. In the last few years my work has been focu­sed on get­ting out of my com­fort zone, visi­ting topics and ways of pro­du­cing ima­ges I’ve never expe­ri­men­ted with befo­re.

I’m real­ly inte­re­sted in how histo­ry has sha­ped our way of life. In this instan­ce, I have con­duc­ted a dia­lo­gue with the city, see­king to under­stand how we got to whe­re we are. Pri­mi­ti­ve urban plan­ning, the 20th cen­tu­ry and its poli­ti­cal tur­moil, inter­nal con­flict, natu­ral disa­sters and glo­ba­li­za­tion have made Gua­te­ma­la City one of the most eclec­tic and pecu­liar pla­ces I’ve ever been to.

This series will be publi­shed as a book by Pome­gra­na­te Press in Decem­ber 2024? Pome­gra­na­te Press is one of the most cut­ting edge edi­to­rial hou­ses in the U.S.

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