3 Luglio 2023


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79 visualizzazioni
22 sec

In 1857, Napo­leon pro­mul­ga­tes a law which obli­ges a mas­si­ve plan­ting of mari­ti­me pines in the “lan­des” of Gasco­ny. Alrea­dy exi­sting in the wild, the pines are sup­po­sed to “sani­ti­ze” this then mar­shy land. It is actual­ly a mat­ter of kee­ping up with the indu­strial revo­lu­tion. This deci­sion will mark the end of the tra­di­tio­nal agro-pasto­ral system and the disap­pea­ran­ce of the Lan­des she­pherd.

In 2018 I pho­to­gra­phed Vieux-Bou­cau-les-Bains, a sea­si­de resort in the “lan­des”, its tou­rists, its land­sca­pes, its pines.
This series is both the sto­ry of a sum­mer in the Lan­des, a nod to the­se she­pher­des­ses and she­pherds, on their stil­ts or in the pines and a lit­tle remin­der that, even if a lot of peo­ple think that poli­tics comes down to the opi­nions that we share, most of the time it chan­ges lives and ter­ri­to­ries.

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